The Roanoke Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement Church, is part of a Christ-centered, diverse, worldwide-religious community dedicated to serving God, sharing the Gospel, and helping others. We strive daily to develop a closer relationship with Jesus Christ to become more like Him. The heart of the church’s mission is to help others realize the hope found in experiencing a personal relationship with a living God and loving Saviour, and nurturing them in preparation for His soon return.

We are committed to promoting the biblical message of quality of life for the present and the future. In keeping with that principle, we believe the Bible teaches the importance of a weekly seventh-day Sabbath of rest, worship, and the promise of Christ’s second coming. Each Saturday, we enjoy a 24-hour Sabbath rest from work and school to join fellow believers in worship, fellowship, prayer, and communion with God. We also believe that God wants us to take care of our bodies through adequate rest, healthful diet, and exercise. Find details of our fundamental beliefs here.

Our Sabbath School classes are held Saturdays at 9:30am with hymns followed by lively discussions regarding the lesson for the week. The Worship Service begins at 11:00am with teachings from the Bible that we trust will be relevant to your life, regardless of where you are in your faith journey.
Prayer Meetings are held Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm where prayers and petitions are offered to the Lord. If you would like to submit a prayer request or a praise, please contact us!
The Roanoke Church is located at 5248 Hollins Rd., Roanoke, VA 24019. Our church is open on Wednesdays from 7:00 - 8:00pm and on Saturdays from 9:00am - 2:00pm.
Questions? Give us a call at 540-362-1800.

Ghennady Melnychuk worked for the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement for almost 20 years, first as a Bible worker on the west coast of the United States before transitioning to Roanoke where he later became the Assistant Publishing Director for the Reformation Herald Publishing Association. Now, his current responsibilities include leadership of the Roanoke Church departments and ensuring the execution of all evangelistic programs. Additionally, Ghennady's medical education in his native country, Ukraine, impassions him to care for the physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing of the local community. His experience and practical knowledge allows him to conduct workshops, seminars, and studies to educate individuals in the way God calls us to care for our bodies. His desire is to teach practical principles of health in an accessible manner to improve our connection with Christ – physically and spiritually.

Paul Michael
Paul Michael Balbach is a Nurse Practitioner at Carilion Clinic Family Medicine. He attended Virginia Western Community College where he first became a Registered Nurse. Paul Michael then pursued his interest in nursing to obtain his Bachelor and Master of Science in Nursing to become a Nurse Practitioner. His current responsibilities include assisting the Church Leader and attending to church needs. Paul Michael has a passion for working with young people which led him to attend Elim Missionary College to further his knowledge on the theory and practical application of the Bible. As a strong advocate of healthy living, Paul Michael’s desire is to continue teaching others about ways to improve their physical, mental, and spiritual health in a practical way that leads people to Jesus.

Roberto Duarte worked for the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement for over 40 years, first as the treasurer for the General Conference and later as a Bible worker. Now, he applies his experience and knowledge of the Bible to provide pastoral care to the Roanoke church and surrounding community. Roberto’s passion of caring for others allows him the opportunity to provide meals to elderly persons confined to long-term care facilities. His kind smile and gentle demeanor brings cheer to residents and fellow coworkers alike. His desire is to continue to reflect Jesus so those around him may be drawn closer to the Saviour.

Daniel Lee has worked for the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement for over 20 years in various church capacities. As the Director of the General Conference Publishing Department, he is responsible for designing material for newsletters, magazines, books and other publications. His current responsibilities also include providing pastoral care to the Roanoke Church members and surrounding community. Daniel is skilled in researching biblical historical events and conducting biblical character analysis. His wisdom, calming disposition and positive outlook create an inviting environment for meaningful conversations. Daniel’s passion to share the love and mercy of Jesus compels him to seek out innovative approaches to revitalize the congregation and members of the community.

Hudson Gessner is a Senior Consultant at CGI Federal. He attended Radford University where he obtained a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. His knowledge of technology has allowed him to assist the church’s media team in spreading the gospel to the community. Hudson’s current responsibilities include providing pastoral care to the Roanoke Church members and surrounding community. As an effective communicator of God’s Word, his practical teaching style helps individuals apply the timeless truths of Scripture to their everyday lives. Hudson enjoys making new friends, telling others about his best friend Jesus and spending quality time with family, friends, and community members. His desire is to share Jesus’ love while ministering to the local church and supporting the local community.
Additional information on our Roanoke Church church officers may be found here.